eBay seller wastingtime101 noticed today that eBay added a new FedEx shipping option for sellers. In December, eBay added FedEx 2Day One Rate, which sellers can purchase through the eBay Shipping Label program.
Sellers can use either free FedEx packaging or their own generic packaging – and importantly, FedEx One Rate doesn’t charge fuel or residential surcharges, which otherwise could take a bite out of unwary sellers’ pockets. Refund Retriever published a useful guide to FedEx OneRate services in January.
Note, however, that there are some differences when using FedEx OneRate directly versus through eBay Shipping Labels (be sure to read the details). For example, the FedEx website states: “Choose one of our 12 flat rate boxes, and if your item fits, you can ship it.”
The eBay website states: “Sellers have the option to use free FedEx packaging or their own generic supplies.”
Refund Retriever explains FedEx OneRate services (independent of eBay) in the following YouTube video – let us know your experiences shipping via FedEx directly or through eBay: