Online sellers will pay an extra 75 cents for each package shipped via flat-rate Priority Mail during the holidays, according to today’s announcement from the USPS. But sellers will pay as much as $6.50 extra per package sent coast-to-coast via zone-based pricing via Priority Mail (up from $5 from the 2021 holiday rates) or up to an extra $5.50 per package sent via First-Class Package Service, Parcel Select Ground, and USPS Retail Ground, depending on the zone and the weight of the package.
For example, a Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box will jump from $8.25 to $9.00 if purchased online (Commercial Base).
In another example, a one-pound package going to Zone 9 will cost $17.19 (Priority Mail, Commercial rate) during the holidays compared to $16.39 today (an increase of 80 cents).
The USPS holiday surcharge will go into effect on October 2nd, pending approval by the Postal Regulatory Commission, which approved the temporary holiday rate hike for the past 2 years.
The higher holiday rates will be in effect until January 22, 2023 – likely just in time for the next postal increase telegraphed by the Postmaster General yesterday.
The USPS said complete price filings, with prices for all products, can be found on the PRC website’s Daily Listings section at prc.gov/dockets/daily, though it was not visible to us when we visited the page on Wednesday afternoon. You can view the holiday rates on the USPS website here.
Sad, the USPS just got 500+ billion forgiven by us tax paying small businesses and then slap our face with a 3rd price increase.
Our store gets closed on Oct 1 til Jan 1. We will enjoy our family without the nonsense of the post office, buyers and ebay. Besides it keeps our taxes at a minimun. Enjoy the fall folks
If you click through to look at the new holiday rates taking effect in October, be sure to scroll down to Commercial rates if you buy postage online. There’s a big difference (i.e., small flat-rate PM box is $10.40 retail during holidays, compared to $9 commercial).
Retail is the rate you pay when you buy at the Post Office.
Got love it, rate increase Oct 2nd, runs until January to another rate increase. 1st class is now zone rated increased .25 to .40 per package. If they raise the rate close to this one in Jan., I’ll have to increase my shipping close to $1 per package just to cover the rate and fee’s associated to the increase. Say good bye to another 10-20%. Sad there is NO ONE who will or even care about small sellers. We’re a dying breed.