Costs are rising, and the ecommerce industry is no exception. We thought we’d catalog some of the rates that are going up in 2022 including online marketplace fees and shipping costs. Keep in mind that what isn’t included are costs such as inventory, supplies, and packaging materials.
Notably, the US Postal Service will raise rates in July. It announced in September it planned to raise rates for Market Dominant services every January and July beginning this summer. (The USPS is also instituting new surcharges in April.)
The list below is not exhaustive, and if you have something you think needs adding, let us know.
We’re not including the 5% – 6% UPS and FedEx rate hikes that occur at the beginning of each year – but keep in mind that those carriers have fuel surcharges that can go up any time. In fact, logistics consultant Cathy Roberson noted today that UPS is making a change to its fuel surcharge, moving from a 2-week drag to a one-week one, and linked to the UPS fuel surcharge page with more information.
February 1, 2022 – Mercari raised shipping fees
“Each year, shipping carriers review their pricing and make rate adjustments. Given that carrier rates are increasing, shipping fees for Mercari prepaid labels are also increasing for certain weights starting February 1.” (Link to information on the AuctionBytes Blog.)
March 1, 2022: eBay raised selling fees
eBay raised Final Value Fees in most categories – 30 cents per $100 for Store sellers and 35 cents per $100 for non-Store sellers. It also raised the “Subtitle” listing upgrade fee by $0.50. (Link to information on eBay.com.)
eBay also raised the “Below Standard” penalty fee from 5% to 6%. And on the plus side, eBay also promised to credit fees for partial refunds and the per-order fee for cancelled transactions. (Link to information on eBay.com.)
April 1 – Delcampe raises fees
European collectibles site Delcampe is increasing fees by one (1) euro cent, excluding VAT, per item sold, and is raising fees for certain services. “The commission rates will continue to be on a sliding scale. The lowest ones won’t be impacted. The percentage will only increase starting at €2,500 in monthly turnover and will remain competitive with the market. No changes are being made to the price of selling options*, memberships or Delcampe Pay.” (Link to information on Delcampe.net.)
April 3, 2022 – USPS institutes surcharge fees
The USPS will institute new surcharge fees, including the $1.50 Dimension Noncompliance Fee and the $4 and $15 Nonstandard Fees. (Link to information on the AuctionBytes Blog.)
April 11, 2022 – Etsy raises commission fees
Etsy is raising fees from 5% to 6.5% effective April 11, 2022. (Link to information on the AuctionBytes Blog.)
March – eBay moves to first-of-month billing
While not a fee change, eBay moved the billing cycle so it invoices all sellers on the 1st of each month. For those who had been billed on the 15th of the month:
“At the beginning of April, you’ll receive a tax invoice and financial statement covering the 16-day transition period spanning the end of the previous cycle and the beginning of the next cycle (March 16 – March 31). You’ll receive the next 30 day tax invoice and financial statement at the beginning of the next month (May 01, 2022).”
(Link to information on EcommerceBytes.)
May 9 – Amazon raises fees for MCF fulfillment
Amazon is raising fees for sellers who use the company’s services to fulfill off-Amazon orders known as Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF). “On May 9, fulfillment fees will increase to ensure that MCF fees are competitive with other third-party logistics providers.” (Link to information on EcommerceBytes.)
June 1, 2022 – eBay raises fees for Promoted Listing Ads
“On June 1, 2022, the Promoted Listings Standard ad fee calculation will change to align more closely with how we calculate final value fees. Specifically, the ad fee will be calculated in all markets based on the total amount of the sale for each attributed sale, using the same basis we use to calculate final value fees (including applicable taxes, shipping and other applicable fees described here). Currently, in certain markets including the US, the Promoted Listings Standard ad rate applies only to the final price of the item.” (Link to information on eBay.com.)
July 2022 – USPS raises shipping rates
USPS will raise rates for Market Dominant services, which includes First-Class Mail (FCM), USPS Marketing Mail, Periodicals, Package Services* and Special Services. Note: Package services include Media Mail, Library Mail, and Bound Printed Matter (Link to information on EcommerceBytes.com.)
August 1 – Amazon institutes surcharge for MCF fulfillment
In announcing its May fee increase for sellers who use the company’s services to fulfill off-Amazon orders, the marketplace also announced new surcharge fees: “On August 1, surcharges will apply to orders in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and Alaska.” (Link to information on Amazon Seller Central.)
Little by little the smaller seller is dying, one raise at a time
I have probably 1500 in good auto parts and related items in my garage. I have no longer a place to sell this stuff. eBay buyer(s) are now programmed to scam you thanks to eBay themselves. Even my dad got a hot check from a buyer. The days for the common man are over on eBay. I hope they fold and go BK. Some company needs to wipe then off the face of the Earth with a new model.
And these associated costs get passed right on to the buyer (as it should be)
Sadly eBay et al use a sellers shipping as some kind of profit center (and let’s temporarily skip how somehow they are justified to do so – they aren’t) and when the carriers raise prices – it’s free wings for all over at walkers, and free fry cleaning over at Amazon
Sellers should add a surcharge themselves ON eBay – but one way TOS’s make it impossible
Etsy is going to kill their site by continually raising fees. 6.5% plus .20 to list or relist every 4 months, plus processing fees, plus you sold too much forced advertising penalty, plus charging the final value fee on sales tax collected, the average seller is now spending 20-30% of the sale on fees. Not very seller friendly.