eBay confirmed reports of a glitch that prevented sellers from accessing drafts on the selling page, which is hindering their ability to complete the listing process. In a thread titled, “Drafts Page not loading / showing error” posted on Wednesday at 6:37 pm, a seller asked if that was happening to anyone else, reporting that it appeared to have been down for the last hour or two.
Today at 7:25 am, an eBay moderator confirmed the issue: “It looks like there is a reported sitewide issue for sellers not being able to load or access their drafts. If sellers are running into this I recommend to reach out to customer support. Just let them know that you are experiencing ALERT14786 and they will have you account added to the ticket.”
It’s clearly a significant problem, one that sellers are reporting is costing them time. On the eBay Creating a Listing help page, it explains that sellers can save drafts of their listings to finish later. “You’ll find your drafts on the Drafts page in My eBay, or on the Manage drafts page in Seller Hub. You can save up to 250 drafts through the quick listing tool on eBay.com and the eBay mobile app, and up to 5,000 through the single and bulk business listing tools in Seller Hub. Drafts expire after 75 days.”
The report on the pinned thread on the technical issues board for “current and resolved technical issues” states: “Unable to access drafts on selling page. Getting error message ‘it’s not you, it’s us.’ (July 6, 2023) – Reference ID: ALERT14786.”
I’m so scared of July 9th, already have hours of revisions with out there being glitches.
The self proclaimed greatest tech company fails again